Sensuous being Workshop

Are you prepared to embrace the sensually free, spiritually grounded, and fully embodied version of yourself who’s thriving through satisfaction? This immersive journey is designed to empower you on your path of authentic self-discovery and sensuality. This transformative course offers you the flexibility to explore and embrace your unique sensuous essence, guided by a comprehensive curriculum enriched with insightful modules. Get ready to embrace your desires, nurture your truest self, and infuse sensuality into your holistic well-being.

  • Introductory Consultation + “Connection Guide” within 72 hours of our call will amplify your clarity with navigating the path ahead.

  • 6-Session Live group Meetings

  • Connect with like-minded community

  • “The love-her” 42-Day Digital Journal

  • A unique & timeless curriculum featuring Afro-Spiritually Centered wisdom with dynamic assignments and journal prompts.